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Welcome to Lake Ridge Elementary!
Home of the Dolphins!

All Students are Mandated to have Clear Book Bags. 

Regular School Office Hours
Monday Thru Friday
7:00am to 3:00pm

Parents, please read the Student/Parent Handbook. Updates are coming soon for the 2024-2025 school year.
2023-2024 Student Handbook (English)
Spanish Translation
Vietnamese Translation
eSignature Google form link

ELA Instructional Materials Review and Feedback

Clayton County Public Schools (CCPS) is in the process of adopting new instructional materials for our district. As part of the adoption process, instructional materials are reviewed by stakeholders to provide feedback. A link to submit feedback has been included on the instructional materials page.  The instructional materials can be accessed by clicking on the following link:
K-5 English Language Arts Materials

Virtual Parent Toolkit link

Online Parent Registration Tutorial Video link

GOSA Link for Clayton County

School starts at 7:45 a.m. Students arriving for breakfast must arrive between 7:15 a.m. – 7:35 a.m. Please plan accordingly to have your child seated and ready to learn promptly at 7:45. Our goal is to decrease tardies and increase learning time for all students. 


Volunteer Opportunities

Please consider joining our school volunteer program as our students can greatly benefit from your involvement and contributions to the school’s program and its operations. Please see our Parent Liaison for additional information.