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Family Resource Center

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From Your Parent Liaison,

Ms. Phillippa Singleton
Title I Parent & Family Liaison
Phone: 770-907-5170x 130123

August 3, 2023

Hello parents/Guardians,

Welcome to Lake Ridge Elementary School

Home of the Dolphins  

My name is Ms. Phillippa Singleton and I am the Title I Community/Parent Liaison at Lake Ridge Elementary School. My role at Lake Ridge Elementary School is to offer and provide parents/families with information, support, and community resources. Some valuable levels of support include, but are not limited to, parenting information, volunteer information, monthly calendar events, employment resources, parent activities/workshops, Infinite Campus, ClassDojo, educational resources, and much more.

It is my pleasure to assist all parents/families in becoming an important link between home, school, and community. I strongly believe that with viable resources on hand and ongoing parent participation; it will be a breeze to carry out my goal of strengthening the partnership between you and your child’s teacher and school.

I am here to support you in any way that I possibly can. If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to reach me via email at or you can call or leave me a message at (770) 907-5170 Ext. 130123. However, the quickest way to get a response from me is by email. My hours of operation are from 8:15 a.m. – 3:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.

I am excited to meet each and every one of you this school year.

Thank you very much.

Ms. Phillippa Singleton

Title I Parent Liaison, Lake Ridge ES